Sanando al Peñón y al Samaná.

En uno de sus viajes astrales en la Sierra Nevada, el mamo Vicencio sintió el llamado de una gran piedra, estaba herida y enferma cerca de Medellín. A los pocos días viajó en autobús desde Santa Marta con Jaison, su guía y traductor, para conocer y comenzar a sanar la piedra enferma. Era la Piedra […]

Amazon, a fragile treasure

Amazonia is the world’s largest dense tropical forest area. Home to thousands bird species, millions of insects and anphibians, jaguars, large snakes and fascinating beings like the pink dolphin. Among them, an indigenous tribe survives in the dense jungle. Far from being the savage warriors who fought against the Spanish crown four hundrerd years ago, […]

La Mojana, no fish in the flooded house

La Mojana is a wetland territory with an area of over 500,000 hectares in the momposina region at the Colombian Caribbean, covering the plains watered by the Cauca and San Jorge rivers. It is a landscape of swamps interconnected by “caños” and variable flood zones that mitigate the spills caused by rain in the upper […]

Santa Cruz del Islote, a full island

The islet of Santa Cruz is a small piece of land that grew in size due to human intervention. Ancient fishermen from the area settled there looking to evade the mosquito plague on other islands. Today is considered one of the most densely populated places on earth, in less than one hectare of land approximately […]


Armero, Tolima Colombia 29 years ago, the 13th of november 1985 an avalanche of rocks, water and mud caused by the thaw following the eruption of Nevado del Ruiz volcano, buried the town of Armero killing more than 22,000 people and becoming the largest natural disaster in Colombia. David Estrada Larrañeta/Bluephoto [rev_slider alias=»armero»]